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Stylus Innovation + Advisory

Stylus Innovation + Advisory is a publication focusing on trends and innovations in design, lifestyle, and technology, publishing content from around the world. AI

Explores trends, insights, and innovations that shape consumer behavior and preferences across the globe. This section delves into various aspects of lifestyle including health, wellness, food, travel, and leisure, providing valuable information for brands and businesses looking to stay ahead in the market.

Covers the latest trends, innovations, and shifts within the fashion and beauty industries. From sustainable fashion practices to the newest in beauty technology, this section provides a comprehensive look at what's new and what's next in fashion and beauty.

Focuses on cutting-edge design and innovative solutions across various sectors including product design, interior design, and digital experiences. This section highlights how design thinking and innovation drive progress and efficiency in businesses and everyday life.


London, United Kingdom


Ella McDougall

Role: Staff writer

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