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Mental Floss

Mental Floss is a magazine focused on delivering interesting facts, trivia, and knowledge across a wide range of subjects, publishing content from around the world. AI

Showcases intriguing and lesser-known facts from various fields such as science, history, and pop culture.

Explores deep, thought-provoking questions about the world, life, and the universe, often with a humorous twist.

Features reviews, recommendations, and news related to books across various genres.

Offers puzzles, quizzes, and brain teasers designed to challenge and entertain readers.

Covers interesting stories, recipes, and facts about food from around the world.

Provides insights, reviews, and trivia about movies and television shows, both new and old.

Covers the latest in technology, including gadgets, apps, and internet culture.


New York, United States

Shaunacy Ferro

Role: Staff writer

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