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Spacing Magazine

Spacing Magazine focuses on urban landscapes, public spaces, and city planning, primarily in Canadian cities but also includes international content. AI

Explores the evolving design, functionality, and aesthetic of urban spaces. This section focuses on how cities adapt to social, economic, and environmental challenges.

Covers developments, innovations, and issues within the public transportation sector. This includes discussions on policy, infrastructure, and technology that impact how people move around cities.

Analyzes the political landscape affecting urban areas, including policy decisions, governance, and civic engagement. This section aims to shed light on how political actions shape the urban environment.

Highlights the role of arts, culture, and community spaces in enriching urban life. This section showcases projects, events, and initiatives that foster cultural expression and community cohesion.

Focuses on initiatives and strategies for sustainable urban development. This includes green building, renewable energy projects, and urban planning practices that aim to reduce environmental impact.



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