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COLORBOND® Socials is an Instagram-based platform showcasing COLORBOND® steel's applications in architecture and design, featuring projects primarily from Australia. AI

Showcases creative and innovative uses of COLORBOND® steel in architecture and design. This section features projects that highlight the versatility and aesthetic appeal of COLORBOND® products in various settings.

Focuses on detailed case studies of residential, commercial, and industrial projects that have utilized COLORBOND® steel. This section aims to provide insights into the project's design challenges, solutions, and outcomes.

Offers practical advice, tips, and techniques for architects, builders, and homeowners on working with COLORBOND® steel. This includes installation guides, maintenance tips, and creative ideas for using COLORBOND® products.

Covers the latest news, product launches, and updates from COLORBOND®. This section keeps followers informed about the newest trends, technologies, and developments in COLORBOND® steel products.


Sydney, Australia


Tiffany Dean-Justis

Role: Staff writer

Felicity Coye

Role: Contributing editor

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