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Sensing Architecture | MLL Design Lab

Sensing Architecture | MLL Design Lab explores innovative architectural designs and technologies, focusing on sensory experiences and environmental interaction. Content is global. AI

Explores the intersection of architecture, technology, and design thinking to showcase how innovation can transform spaces and experiences. This section features articles, case studies, and interviews with leaders in the field, focusing on how cutting-edge technologies and innovative design strategies are applied in architectural projects.

Dedicated to highlighting sustainable and eco-friendly design practices in architecture. This section covers topics such as green building materials, energy-efficient design strategies, and projects that have a positive impact on the environment. It aims to inspire architects and designers to incorporate sustainability into their work.

Focuses on the philosophical and theoretical aspects of architecture. This section delves into discussions on architectural history, theory, and criticism, providing a platform for architects, scholars, and students to explore and debate ideas shaping the field of architecture.

Offers practical guides and tutorials on various aspects of architectural design. From software tutorials to design thinking exercises, this section is aimed at both professionals and students looking to enhance their skills and understanding of architectural design.

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