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Toronto Sun

Toronto Sun is a daily newspaper featuring news, sports, and entertainment, focusing on Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area. AI

Covers local, national, and international news, focusing on current events, politics, and major developments.

Features updates, analyses, and commentary on major sports events, focusing on hockey, basketball, baseball, and football, with a special emphasis on Toronto teams.

Provides the latest in entertainment news, celebrity gossip, movie and TV show reviews, and updates on cultural events in Toronto and beyond.

Features opinion pieces, editorials, and commentary on current events, politics, and societal issues, with perspectives from a range of contributors.

Covers lifestyle topics such as health, food, fashion, and travel, offering tips, recipes, and advice for a better living.

Reports on the latest business news, economic trends, and market developments, with a focus on Toronto and Canadian businesses.

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Vicky Sanderson

Role: Contributor

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