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The Journal of The London Society

The Journal of The London Society focuses on architecture, planning, and development in London. AI

Covers the latest trends, projects, and policies affecting the urban landscape in London, focusing on how these changes impact the city's architecture, infrastructure, and community life.

Features articles on innovative architectural and design projects in London, including insights from leading architects and designers, reviews of new buildings, and discussions on architectural trends.

Explores the rich architectural and urban history of London, offering in-depth articles on historical buildings, urban planning evolution, and the impact of historical events on the city's development.

Analyzes current policies and planning strategies affecting London's urban development, including government initiatives, zoning laws, and community engagement efforts.

Provides information on upcoming events, lectures, and exhibitions related to architecture and urban development in London, along with reviews of recent events.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

London, United Kingdom

Established 1912

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