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House & Garden

House & Garden offers inspiration and advice for home decoration and gardening, focusing on high-end and stylish interiors, primarily in the UK. AI

Showcases the latest in interior design trends, tips for home decor, and features on beautifully designed spaces. Content ranges from high-end luxury homes to practical designs for everyday living.

Covers a wide range of topics related to gardening, including landscape design, garden maintenance, and innovative gardening techniques. Features gardens from around the world, with a focus on both aesthetic appeal and sustainability.

Offers a collection of recipes ranging from traditional dishes to contemporary culinary creations. Focuses on seasonal ingredients and provides tips for hosting and entertaining.

Features travel destinations with a focus on unique homes and gardens around the world. Offers insights into local cultures, architecture, and design.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

London, United Kingdom


David Nicholls

Role: Staff writer

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