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CREATE Magazine

CREATE Magazine is an engineering-focused publication, featuring innovations, projects, and trends in the engineering world, primarily from Australia. AI

Showcases the latest advancements and breakthroughs in engineering across various sectors, including civil, mechanical, electrical, and software engineering. Articles often feature interviews with leading engineers, case studies, and analysis of emerging trends.

Focuses on sustainable engineering practices, renewable energy sources, and environmental protection efforts. This section includes articles on green building designs, eco-friendly materials, and strategies for reducing carbon footprints in engineering projects.

Provides updates on significant developments within the engineering field, including mergers, acquisitions, regulatory changes, and major project announcements. This section keeps readers informed about the dynamic landscape of the engineering industry.

Offers advice and resources for engineering professionals at all stages of their careers. This includes tips on continuing education, navigating the job market, and developing soft skills. It also features profiles of successful engineers and insights into different engineering disciplines.

Covers the latest tools, software, and technologies being used in the engineering field. This section provides reviews, tutorials, and case studies on how these technologies are being applied in real-world engineering projects.


Melbourne, Australia


Jonathan Bradley

Role: Contributor

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