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Home Decor & Renovations

Home Decor & Renovations magazine offers inspiration and advice for home improvement projects, focusing on decor and renovations in Canada. AI

Showcases the latest trends in home decor and design, focusing on innovative and stylish ideas to inspire homeowners.

Provides step-by-step guides and creative ideas for do-it-yourself home improvement projects, encouraging readers to personalize their spaces.

Offers practical advice and tips for homeowners planning to renovate their homes, covering everything from budgeting to selecting the right materials.

Delivers up-to-date information on the real estate market, including trends, forecasts, and investment opportunities, tailored for homeowners looking to buy, sell, or invest.

Focuses on eco-friendly and sustainable home living solutions, promoting green building practices and energy-efficient designs.


Ontario, Canada


Merlyn Minty

Role: Editor

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