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Landscape Architecture Magazine

Landscape Architecture Magazine focuses on design, planning, and management of outdoor spaces and publishes content from around the world. AI

Covers the latest developments, events, and updates in the field of landscape architecture globally, including policy changes, significant projects, and industry awards.

Highlights significant landscape architecture projects, innovative design solutions, and interviews with leading professionals in the field. This section focuses on showcasing exemplary work and thought leadership in landscape architecture.

Provides insights into the practical aspects of landscape architecture, including project management, sustainability practices, and technological advancements. This section is aimed at professionals seeking to enhance their practice.

Offers critiques and analyses of books, exhibitions, and other media relevant to landscape architecture. This section helps readers stay informed about the latest resources and perspectives in the field.

Showcases the latest products, tools, and technologies available for landscape architecture projects. This section is a resource for professionals looking for the newest innovations to incorporate into their work.

United States of America

United States


Jennifer Reut

Role: Editor

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