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Architects' Journal

Architects' Journal is a UK-based publication focusing on architecture news, trends, and projects, primarily from the UK and occasionally from around the world. AI

Covers the latest developments, trends, and updates in the architecture industry, focusing on the UK and international news.

Showcases detailed case studies, profiles, and analyses of new and significant architectural projects in the UK.

Features announcements, updates, and results of architectural competitions and awards, primarily focusing on opportunities within the UK.

Provides expert commentary, opinions, and critical analyses on architectural trends, policies, and practices, with a focus on the UK.

Offers insights into the business side of architecture, including management, marketing, and technological advancements, tailored for UK-based practices.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

London, United Kingdom

Established 1896


Robert Wilson

Role: Editor

Frances Williams

Role: Staff writer

Richard Waite

Role: Editor

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