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Houzz Australia

Houzz Australia is an online community focusing on architecture, interior design, decorating, landscape design, and home improvement, specifically for the Australian market. AI

Showcases a wide range of home design and decorating ideas, focusing on the latest trends and innovations in interior design, furniture, and accessories. This section is tailored for homeowners looking to update their space with inspiration from Australian homes.

Covers all aspects of home renovation and remodeling projects, including DIY tips, professional advice, and the latest products and technologies available in Australia. It aims to help homeowners enhance their living spaces efficiently and effectively.

Focuses on outdoor living spaces and gardening in Australia, offering tips, trends, and inspiration for creating beautiful and functional outdoor areas. This section covers everything from landscaping ideas to outdoor furniture selections.

Provides insights and advice from industry professionals in Australia, including architects, interior designers, and contractors. This section is designed to help homeowners make informed decisions about their home design and improvement projects.


Melbourne, Australia


Georgia Madden

Role: Staff writer

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