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Topos is a leading international review of landscape architecture, urban design, and urban development, publishing content from around the world. AI

Covers a wide range of topics related to landscape architecture, including sustainable design, urban planning, and innovative public spaces. The publication seeks articles that showcase groundbreaking projects, discuss emerging trends, and provide insightful analysis on how landscape architecture impacts communities and the environment globally.

Focuses on the development and transformation of urban spaces around the world. This section looks for contributions that explore new concepts in urban planning, regeneration projects, smart cities, and how urban environments adapt to changing societal needs. It encourages discussions on policy, technology, and social aspects influencing urban development.

Dedicated to topics on environmental sustainability within the context of landscape architecture and urban development. Articles should address challenges and solutions related to climate change, biodiversity, water management, and sustainable practices in design and planning. The publication seeks to inspire action and innovation in addressing environmental issues.


Munich, Germany

Sigrid Ehrmann

Role: Freelance writer

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