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The Australian Newspaper

The Australian Newspaper is a leading publication covering national and international news, politics, business, and culture, primarily focused on Australia but also includes global content. AI

Covers all major news, updates, and developments happening across Australia, focusing on politics, economy, and social issues.

Provides comprehensive coverage of international news, including politics, conflicts, and significant global events.

Features news and analysis on the Australian and global economy, stock market updates, and profiles of leading companies.

Covers Australian and international sports events, including cricket, rugby, football, and more, with in-depth analysis and commentary.

Offers insights into health, travel, food, and culture, with a focus on Australian lifestyle trends and tips.

Features opinion pieces and editorials on current events, politics, and societal issues, providing diverse perspectives.

Showcases reviews, news, and features on the arts scene in Australia and internationally, including theatre, film, music, and visual arts.


Sydney, Australia

Established 1964

Parent Publication:


Margaret Barca

Role: Freelance writer


Milanda Rout

Role: Staff writer

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