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SPLASH! is Australia's leading publication for the swimming pool and spa industry, featuring news, products, and trends within Australia. AI

Covers the latest developments, trends, and updates within the pool, spa, and aquatics industry, focusing on Australia but also including significant international news.

In-depth articles exploring various aspects of the pool and spa industry, including design innovations, sustainability practices, and business insights. These articles often highlight specific projects or case studies to provide readers with comprehensive understanding and inspiration.

Showcases new and innovative products within the pool and spa industry, providing details on features, benefits, and potential applications. This section is essential for professionals looking to stay updated on the latest tools, equipment, and technologies.

Lists upcoming industry events, trade shows, and conferences related to the pool, spa, and aquatics sector. This section is a valuable resource for professionals seeking networking opportunities and industry insights.

Offers practical advice, tips, and how-to guides for pool and spa professionals. Topics range from maintenance and repair to installation and safety, aimed at helping professionals enhance their skills and knowledge.


Sydney, Australia


Veda Dante

Role: Contributor

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