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Metro is a free daily newspaper in the UK, covering national news, sports, lifestyle, and entertainment. AI

Covers breaking news, current events, and trends across a variety of topics such as politics, business, technology, and entertainment. This section aims to keep readers informed about the latest developments around the world.

Features the latest sports news, analysis, and commentary on a wide range of sports including football, tennis, golf, and more. This section is dedicated to sports enthusiasts looking for updates on their favorite teams and athletes.

Explores topics related to health, fashion, travel, food, and relationships. This section provides tips, trends, and advice to help readers enhance their lifestyle.

Delivers the latest news, reviews, and insights on movies, music, TV shows, and celebrity culture. This section is for readers who want to stay up-to-date with the entertainment world.

Covers the latest developments in technology and gaming, including product reviews, industry news, and tips for tech enthusiasts. This section aims to keep readers informed about the cutting-edge of tech and gaming.


London, United Kingdom


Lara Sargent

Role: Freelance writer

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