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ABC Australia

ABC Australia is a public broadcaster offering news, analysis, and stories from Australia and around the world across multiple platforms. AI

Covers a wide range of topics related to physical and mental health, including fitness, nutrition, mental health strategies, and personal stories of overcoming health challenges.

Features recipes, cooking tips, and food news, focusing on Australian cuisine but also exploring international flavors and cooking techniques.

Provides advice, stories, and resources for parents and caregivers, covering topics from pregnancy and infancy to teenage years, with a focus on Australian families.

Explores the dynamics of romantic, familial, and platonic relationships, offering advice, personal stories, and insights into maintaining healthy relationships.

Provides tips and strategies for managing personal finances, including budgeting, saving, investing, and navigating the Australian financial landscape.

Shares travel stories, tips, and guides, with a focus on Australian destinations but also covering international travel experiences.

Offers advice and insights on navigating the workplace, career development, and finding work-life balance, with a focus on the Australian job market.


Melbourne, Australia

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