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Houzz UK

Houzz UK is an online platform offering design inspiration, project advice, and product information for home renovation and design, focusing on the UK market. AI

This section features articles, guides, and photo inspirations on interior design and decorating ideas for homes. It covers a wide range of styles and spaces, from modern to traditional and kitchen to living room.

Focuses on renovation tips, DIY projects, and professional advice for upgrading your home's interior and exterior. It includes topics on construction, materials, and tools.

Provides ideas, tips, and trends for outdoor living spaces, including gardens, patios, and balconies. It covers landscaping, plants, outdoor furniture, and garden design.

Showcases home tours and before-and-after stories of real home transformations. This section aims to inspire readers with practical examples of design and renovation.

Offers expert advice and Q&A sessions on a wide range of topics, including design dilemmas, renovation budgeting, and material selection. It's a go-to resource for homeowners seeking guidance.

Connects homeowners with professionals in the home improvement industry, including architects, interior designers, and contractors. It features profiles, portfolios, and reviews.

United Kingdom

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