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ArchitectureNZ focuses on New Zealand's architecture scene, showcasing local projects, news, and insights. AI

Showcases groundbreaking architectural designs and innovative solutions in the field of architecture, focusing on projects and concepts that push the boundaries of traditional practices.

Features detailed case studies of architectural projects across New Zealand, highlighting the challenges, solutions, and outcomes of each project.

Presents in-depth profiles of architects and design firms in New Zealand, exploring their philosophies, past projects, and contributions to the architectural landscape.

Offers critical reviews of new buildings, exhibitions, and books related to architecture, providing insights and perspectives on the latest developments in the field.

Features opinion pieces and editorials from leading architects and industry experts, discussing current trends, challenges, and future directions in New Zealand architecture.

New Zealand

Auckland, New Zealand

Nathan Inkpen

Role: Editor

Amanda Harkness

Role: Staff writer


Chris Barton

Role: Editor

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