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Ham & High

Ham & High is a local news publication focusing on Hampstead and Highgate areas in London, featuring community news, events, and issues. AI

Covers local news, community stories, and events happening in and around Hampstead and Highgate, including updates on local politics, crime, and community initiatives.

Features local sports news, updates on local teams, match reports, and interviews with athletes and coaches from the Hampstead and Highgate area.

Provides information on local entertainment options, including theatre, music, art exhibitions, and cultural events happening in Hampstead and Highgate.

Offers advice and features on lifestyle topics such as health, food, fashion, and home & garden, tailored to the residents of Hampstead and Highgate.

Features opinion pieces, editorials, and columns from local writers and community members on various topics affecting Hampstead and Highgate.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

London, United Kingdom


Bridget Galton

Role: Contributing editor

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