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Concrete Playground NZ

Concrete Playground NZ focuses on lifestyle, culture, and city guides, with a special emphasis on design and style in Auckland, New Zealand. AI

Covers the latest and most innovative dining experiences, bars, and food trends in New Zealand, with a focus on local and sustainable practices.

Features reviews, previews, and news about the latest in film, music, art, and theatre in New Zealand, with a special emphasis on local artists and events.

Showcases the latest trends in design and style, including architecture, interior design, and fashion, with a focus on innovation and sustainability.

Provides insights and guides on the most exciting and unique travel destinations within New Zealand and occasionally beyond, focusing on adventure, culture, and luxury.

Offers comprehensive guides to New Zealand's cities, covering the best places to eat, drink, shop, and explore, tailored for both locals and tourists.

New Zealand

Auckland, New Zealand

Stephen Heard

Role: Contributing editor

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