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Home Decor & Renovations

Home Decor & Renovations magazine offers inspiration and advice for home improvement projects, focusing on decor and renovations in Canada. AI

Showcases the latest trends in interior design, featuring innovative ideas for styling and decorating homes. Articles cover a wide range of styles from contemporary to traditional, offering inspiration and advice for homeowners looking to update their space.

Provides readers with step-by-step guides on how to undertake various DIY home improvement projects. From simple decor updates to more complex renovations, this section aims to empower homeowners to take charge of their home's aesthetic and functionality.

Delivers insights into the current real estate market, focusing on trends affecting home values, renovation costs, and the overall housing market. This section is essential for homeowners and investors looking to make informed decisions.

Focuses on sustainable and eco-friendly home improvement solutions. Articles cover a range of topics from energy-efficient appliances to sustainable building materials, aiming to help homeowners reduce their carbon footprint while enhancing their living space.


Ontario, Canada


Merlyn Minty

Role: Editor

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