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HOTELS magazine is a leading publication in the hospitality industry, covering global hotel news, trends, and insights. AI

Covers the latest developments, trends, and updates in the global hotel and hospitality sector, including new hotel openings, management changes, and market analysis.

Focuses on the architecture, interior design, and development aspects of hotels worldwide. This section showcases innovative design projects, renovations, and sustainability initiatives in the hotel industry.

Provides insights and best practices for hotel operations, including staff management, customer service, technology integration, and efficiency improvements. It aims to help hoteliers enhance their operational effectiveness.

Explores financial aspects of the hotel industry, including investment opportunities, funding strategies, market forecasts, and economic impacts on the hospitality sector.

Highlights major events, conferences, and trade shows relevant to the hotel and hospitality industry, offering coverage of keynotes, panels, and networking opportunities.


Chicago, United States

Alicia Sheber

Role: Contributing editor

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