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Southern Highlands News

Southern Highlands News is a regional newspaper focusing on local news, events, and issues in the Southern Highlands area of New South Wales, Australia. AI

Covers all the latest happenings, events, and updates from the Southern Highlands area, including community news, local government decisions, and significant local events.

Features local sports news, updates on local teams, match reports, and profiles of local athletes. This section aims to keep the community informed and engaged with the local sports scene.

Offers insights into local lifestyle trends, including food, fashion, health, and entertainment within the Southern Highlands. It aims to reflect the community's interests and activities.

Provides a platform for local voices to express their opinions on various topics affecting the Southern Highlands community. This section includes editorials, guest columns, and letters to the editor.

Highlights local business news, economic updates, and profiles of local businesses and entrepreneurs. This section aims to support and promote the local economy.

Bowral, Australia

Bowral, Australia

Jackie Meyers

Role: Editor

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