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The Age Newspaper

The Age is a daily newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, covering local news, sports, business, and culture. AI

Covers breaking news, in-depth reporting, and analysis on current events, politics, and major incidents from Australia and around the world.

Provides insights, analysis, and news on the economy, markets, industries, and companies in Australia and internationally.

Features the latest sports news, analysis, and match reports on Australian and international sports, including AFL, cricket, tennis, and more.

Explores arts, entertainment, food, and lifestyle trends and events in Australia and globally, with a focus on reviews, previews, and feature articles.

Offers opinion pieces, editorials, and commentary on current affairs, politics, and societal issues, primarily focusing on Australia but also covering international perspectives.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Established 1854


Cara Waters

Role: Staff writer

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