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The Design Sheppard

The Design Sheppard is a blog focused on interior design, offering inspiration and tips for home decor enthusiasts. It features content from around the world. AI

Showcases the latest trends, ideas, and innovations in interior design. This section features articles on home decor, furniture design, and interior styling tips to inspire readers to create beautiful and functional living spaces.

Provides in-depth reviews and insights on the latest products in the design and home decor market. This section helps readers make informed decisions on home furnishings, gadgets, and decor items by highlighting their features, usability, and aesthetic value.

Features conversations with leading designers, architects, and artists, offering readers a glimpse into the creative processes, inspirations, and personal stories behind their work. This section aims to connect the design community and inspire readers with personal success stories and design philosophies.

Explores the latest trends and insights in the design world, covering topics such as sustainable design, color trends, and emerging materials. This section is dedicated to keeping readers informed about the evolving landscape of design and how it impacts our living spaces and lifestyles.


London, United Kingdom

Established 2009

Stacey Sheppard

Role: Editor

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