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The London Magazine

The London Magazine is a publication focusing on literature, arts, and culture, primarily featuring content related to London and the UK. AI

Publishes short stories and excerpts from longer works that capture the essence of London life or explore universal themes through a unique lens. The magazine looks for original, compelling narratives that engage readers and offer fresh perspectives.

Features a wide range of poems from both established and emerging poets. The focus is on innovative, thought-provoking poetry that resonates with contemporary issues or timeless themes, with a special interest in works that have a connection to London or a global relevance.

Includes essays, memoirs, and commentary on cultural, political, and social issues, with a particular emphasis on topics relevant to London. The magazine seeks insightful, well-researched pieces that stimulate intellectual discourse and offer new perspectives.

Offers critical analyses and reviews of books, art exhibitions, theatre productions, and films, primarily focusing on works that have a significant impact on London's cultural landscape or that are of general interest to an international audience.

Features conversations with influential figures in the arts, literature, and culture, focusing on their contributions to the cultural scene in London and beyond. The magazine seeks engaging, in-depth interviews that provide insight into the creative process and current cultural trends.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

London, United Kingdom


Arabella Youens

Role: Freelance writer

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