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The Sydney Morning Herald

The Sydney Morning Herald is a leading Australian newspaper, offering news and analysis primarily focused on Australia but also covering international events. AI

Covers breaking news, in-depth reporting, and analysis on current events, focusing on Australia but also including significant global events.

Features opinion pieces, editorials, and commentary from contributors on a wide range of topics, primarily focusing on Australian politics, society, and culture.

Provides news, analysis, and insights on Australian and international business markets, including finance, real estate, and the economy.

Covers Australian and international sports news, including match reports, analysis, and commentary on a variety of sports.

Offers articles on health, fashion, food, travel, and relationships, focusing on trends and advice relevant to Australian readers.

Covers the latest in entertainment, including movie, music, TV, arts, and book reviews, primarily focusing on the Australian entertainment scene.

Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia

Established 1831

Trisha Croaker

Role: Contributor

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