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The Weekender Herald

The Weekender Herald is a local news publication focusing on the Adelaide Hills region, featuring community news, events, and issues. AI

Covers all the latest happenings, events, and important announcements in the Adelaide Hills region. This section is dedicated to keeping the community informed about local government decisions, community projects, and significant local events.

Highlights unique stories, profiles, and in-depth interviews with local personalities, businesses, and initiatives making a significant impact in the Adelaide Hills area. It aims to showcase the diversity and richness of the local community through engaging storytelling.

A platform for community members, experts, and columnists to share their views, analyses, and commentary on issues affecting the Adelaide Hills region. It encourages a broad spectrum of opinions to foster healthy community discourse.

Provides a comprehensive guide to upcoming events, festivals, workshops, and community gatherings in the Adelaide Hills. This section aims to be the go-to source for residents and visitors looking to engage with the local culture and community events.


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