
Architecture Residential Melbourne, Australia

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21 Images

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1. Bryant Alsop Mason House Dining with spiral staircase behind

2500 px 1667 px 1 MB Print - Low res only

2. Bryant Alsop Mason House Living with sweeping spiral staircase

2500 px 1667 px 574 KB Print - Low res only

3. Bryant Alsop Mason House Hall with view to living area and spiral staircase

1667 px 2500 px 748 KB Print - Low res only

4. Bryant Alsop Mason House Kitchen

1667 px 2500 px 1 MB Print - Low res only

5. Bryant Alsop Mason House Living

2500 px 1667 px 883 KB Print - Low res only

6. Bryant Alsop Mason House Living


1667 px 2500 px 1 MB Print - Low res only

7. Bryant Alsop Mason House Kitchen

1667 px 2500 px 888 KB Print - Low res only

8. Bryant Alsop Mason House Hallway

1667 px 2500 px 654 KB Print - Low res only

9. Bryant Alsop Mason House Coat Room

1667 px 2500 px 496 KB Print - Low res only

10. Bryant Alsop Mason House Main Bedroom

1667 px 2500 px 872 KB Print - Low res only

11. Bryant Alsop Mason House Ensuite

1768 px 2500 px 1 MB Print - Low res only

12. Bryant Alsop Mason House Powder Room

1676 px 2500 px 765 KB Print - Low res only

13. Bryant Alsop Mason House Pool

2500 px 1666 px 2 MB Print - Low res only

14. Bryant Alsop Mason House Pool

Fence Detail

1667 px 2500 px 3 MB Print - Low res only

15. Bryant Alsop Mason House External

1667 px 2500 px 2 MB Print - Low res only

16. Bryant Alsop Mason House Front Elevation

2500 px 1667 px 2 MB Print - Low res only

17. Bryant Alsop Mason House Rear Elevation

2500 px 1667 px 1 MB Print - Low res only

18. Bryant Alsop Mason House Roof terrace

2500 px 1667 px 1021 KB Print - Low res only

19. Bryant Alsop Mason House Rear Garden

2500 px 1667 px 1 MB Print - Low res only

20. Bryant Alsop Mason House Side Street View

2500 px 1667 px 3 MB Print - Low res only

21. Bryant Alsop Mason House Floorplans

5906 px 4725 px 2 MB A3 print


Bryant Alsop has responded to our client’s desire for a bold, heroic design, while avoiding opulence. The home is a sculptural vessel with spaces for family and friends to gather. For the new owner, purchasing the property from a family friend meant the Victorian house came imbued with memories. A sense of ‘layering’ of families, childhoods and recollections plays strongly through the design.

The existing dwelling was restored with the formality and vertical language of Victorian buildings used to inform a dialogue between existing and contemporary forms where the scale of new spaces are proportionate with the original house. The singular form of the extension is defined by the rhythm and repetition of curved elements that are used as simple, broad sweeping gestures. Hard materials are tempered by soft shapes to create enveloping spaces, while the backyard is celebrated with a garden that will evolve with the family over time.


Project size 286 m2
Site size 734 m2
Completion date 2018
Building levels 2

Project team

Sarah Bryant Project Director
Rob Randell Project Architect
Bryant Alsop Architect