Gundowring House

Architecture Residential Tangambalanga, Victoria, Australia

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As much an exercise in placemaking as architectural invention, Bryant Alsop carefully considered the beauty of the nature’s canvas and seasonal weather extremes when siting this contemporary, off-grid rural house. It was determined that a deliberate gesture in robust materials would stand heroically – and stoically – in the pastoral setting; a monumental Cor-ten northerly façade punctuated with deeply recessed fenestration.

Entry into a compressed hallway, at the end of which a picture window frames the vista down the Kiewa Valley, gives those arriving a moment. Off-form concrete blade walls running north-south are simple, tactile elements that order the arrangement of program; with other materials being deliberately raw and sustainable.

While starkly modern in form, the patina of rusted steel gives Gundowring House a sense of having been there forever. There is a strong sense that the home will nestle into its surroundings as the landscape grows into and around it.


Project size 440 m2
Completion date 2017
Building levels 1

Project team

Sarah Bryant Architect
Rob Randell Architect
Richard Bryant Project Architect
Bryant Alsop Architect