Rise House

Architecture Residential Carlton North, Victoria, Australia

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Behind a double storey Victorian heritage terrace, this extension takes flight over its cavernous context. Twin parabolic rooves soar over the tall neighbouring parapets. They twist as they rise; up to the north to draw in warming sunlight and down to the south, to not overshadow neighbours.

Highlight windows and skylights allow natural light to flood the interior of the extension. Its a stark contrast to the dark rooms typical of these heritage terraces, built in rows with two storey party walls on either side.

Our clients, an empty nest couple, wanted to retain and restore the heritage façade and provide a light-filled extension at the rear. The main challenge was the site’s dense context, with double storey terraces with double storey extensions on each side of the 6m wide block making it difficult to bring sun in. The northern side neighbour’s parapet steps down towards the rear (east) providing opportunity for a raking roof to direct morning sunlight into our property.

On the south side the existing neighbouring property doesn’t comply with minimum requirements for unshaded private open space so couldn’t be overshadowed any more. So the new roof rakes down at this end. This roof form continues over the first floor bedroom with one continuous angle on the southern side raking and twisting up to horizontal northern and western windows. The highlight window provides connection between occupants on each level and views through to sky beyond. External shading to these windows and the skylight prevent overheating.

A restrained palette of materials emphasise the form and light. White surfaces reflect light. The striation of the lining boards accentuate the twist in the ceiling. Timber floor and cabinetry provide warmth in the natural light. Brickwork of the original structure is retained and exposed in the courtyard and lightwell to show the history of the site.

Rising up the semi-cantilevered stair, the occupant is elevated into the light. The roof deck offers a unique perch from which to view surround tall trees and roof tops. It also provides opportunity for natural ventilation while connecting the first floor bedroom with the ground floor living room below.
A restrained material palette of white walls and ceiling enhances the dramatic natural light and in turn emphasises the warmth of the natural timber surfaces.

The passive solar design is complemented by active solar technology and a fossil fuel free spec, with efficient all-electric heating and appliances.